Germany Installed 406 MW Solar In Sept 2021

Source:Taiyang News

Germany’s Bundesnetzagentur has released the solar PV registration data in the country for the month of September 2021 as 406.39 MW, taking the country’s 9M/2021 additions to 4.023 GW. A year back, during 9M/2020 the country installed over 3.5 GW.

On YoY basis, this is an increase from 387.6 MW installed in September 2020 but down from 434 MW installed in the previous month .

The September 2021 numbers include 321.65 MW installed outside the tenders held under the EEG feed-in tariff scheme, having increased from 293.57 MW in the previous month. Only 2.2 MW of onsite community solar systems were registered in September, adding up to 20.1 MW in the first 9 months.

Altogether, with the addition of September 2021 Germany’s cumulative installed solar PV capacity till the end of the reporting month should have settled at over 58 GW.

As the new German coalition government is expected to take charge in early December, the German New Energy Economy Association (BNE) has asked for 1% of the country’s land area to be reserved for biodiversity solar parks. It wants the new government to set the course within the initial 100 days of its taking oath for the country to become climate neutral by 2035.

Recently, an Energy Watch Group (EWG) study said a fully supply with 100% renewable energy with storage is possible for Germany as it would already be economically competitive today, compared to the current energy system based on coal, natural gas and nuclear.


Peter Xu


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