The World's First Low-carbon Environmentally Friendly Aluminum Battery Innovation! APh ePower Assists Taiwanese Factories Obtain International Carbon Rights

Source:Energy Trend

The world's first company to develop low-carbon and environmentally friendly aluminum batteries, startup APh ePower, has pushed ahead of the global carbon economy trend and announced today that it has completed the first carbon trade in the two international standards of VCS and GS in April and will continue to actively develop foreign carbon storage and offset services to assist companies in purchasing carbon rights, enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan's green supply chain, and achieve carbon neutrality goals.

In response to the global net-zero transition, companies are facing unprecedented "carbon" pressure. Sean Su, director of corporate development of APh ePower, said that the international carbon rights market is divided into a "mandatory market" and "voluntary market At this stage, Taiwan's government has set an overall carbon reduction target and rationed "permitted carbon emission rights" to regulated companies.

Sean Su pointed out that the "permitted carbon emission rights" are the carbon rights in the mandatory market, obtaining carbon rights mainly through the mechanism of the voluntary market, through capital or technical input, and through the "certified reduction effect" of a third party. A company can apply to the EPA for a swap program or obtain voluntary carbon credits through international carbon credit standards.

APh ePower has a number of carbon consultants who have obtained PAS 2060 carbon neutrality standard training certification and have completed voluntary carbon rights storage and offsetting. According to Sean Su’s analysis, foreign carbon rights audit standards are tightened year by year. Based on market supply and demand, carbon rights will become a scarce resource. In addition, domestic companies have limited carbon reductions, so it is not easy to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality. Therefore, mastering carbon rights has become a key to future development.

Sean Su explained that "carbon neutrality" does not mean "net zero emissions." The former refers to the reduction and offsetting of carbon dioxide emissions in economic activities to zero, while net zero is the achievement of balancing emissions and removals of seven greenhouse gases. Companies can gradually make carbon neutrality the primary goal of achieving net zero.

Apple aims to be carbon neutral by 2030, and its products focus on low-carbon materials and carbon offset technology. Sean Su emphasized that Yafu Energy Storage will develop safe and fast-charging aluminum battery energy storage combined with green electricity and carbon rights trading to provide a comprehensive energy solution that can assist companies in their carbon reduction and carbon offset needs including obtaining an electricity sales license to assist enterprises in switching to green electricity, as well as offsetting carbon rights at home and abroad, moving towards the vision of sustainable operation.


Peter Xu


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