Presidium of 5th Council

APVIA 5th Council



Gongshan Zhu, Founder and Chairman of GCL Group


Member of the 12th National Committee of CPPCC, Member of the 12th Standing Committee of Jiangsu CPPCC, Chairman of Global Green Energy Industry Council, Vice Chairman of Global Innovation Center. At the same time, he also serves as Executive Chairman of International Chamber of Commerce China National Environment and Energy Committee, Vice Chairman of China Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs Association (COCEA), Vice Chairman of China Fortune Foundation Limited, Vice Chairman of China Overseas Development Association (CODA), Vice Chairman of Federation of Industry and Commerce of Jiangsu Province, Honorary Chairman of Jiangsu Residents Association in Hong Kong, Executive Vice-Chairman of Federation of HK Jiangsu Community Organisations, etc. He won the honors including “Medal of Chinese Enterprise Reform in 40 Years of Reform and Opening-up” “Leading Energy Entrepreneur of 40 Years Reform and Opening” “Energy Leader and entrepreneur of 40 Years of Reform and Opening" " One of the Top Ten Outstanding Contributions of New Energy Industry in the 70th Anniversary of New China”.

Mr. Gongshan ZHU founded GCL in 1990. In the past 30 years, he has adhered to the party's policy and the socialist road, led green development with red genes. Mr. Zhu adheres to scientific and technological innovation and the real economy, and promotes transformation and upgrading, meanwhile concentrates in industry and promotes the company to the pioneer in the peak carbon dioxide emission and carbon neutralization. The company ranks the top 500 Chinese enterprises for many years, the first in the new energy industry, holding several listed companies and more than 30,000 employees, with total assets of over CNY 200 billion and annual revenue of over CNY 100 billion for several continuous years. Currently, the company has been stood as the milestone of the industry worldwide.


Chairmen of Executive Committee

Hanyuan Liu, President of Tongwei Group



                      Jingfeng Xiong, General Manager of Yingli Energy (China) Co., Ltd. 



Chairman of Steering Committee

Steve Blume, President of the Australian Smart Energy Council


Steve Blume is one of Australia’s most experienced energy experts and advocates with more than 21 years experience in the energy sector after 25 years in ITC. President of the Australian Smart Energy Council; Director, Global Solar Council; Treasurer, NZ & Pacific Solar & Storage Council; Director, Australian Institute of Energy. CEO of NoCarbon Pty Ltd, engaged in smart energy consulting. Steve is a former political adviser, private & public sector senior executive, and change advocate, fighting for zero carbon energy policies and technological solutions to urgently & rapidly reduce emissions causing global heating and climate change.


Chairman of Scientific Committee

Armin Aberle, CEO of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS)


Prof Armin ABERLE serves as CEO of the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). His research focus is on photovoltaic materials, devices and modules. He has (co)authored more than 450 papers and has been supervising more than 60 PhD students in his career. In the 1990s he established and led the Silicon Photovoltaics Department at the Institute for Solar Energy Research (ISFH) in Hamelin, Germany. He then worked for 10 years in Sydney, Australia as a solar energy professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and a member of the UNSW team that developed and taught the world’s first Bachelor of Engineering degree programme for Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering. In 2008 he joined NUS to establish SERIS, as the Deputy CEO and Director of the Silicon PV Department. Since 2012 he serves as SERIS CEO. He is also the Director of the institute’s Next-Generation Industrial Solar Cells and Modules Cluster and the Acting Director of the Novel PV Concepts Cluster.


Peter Xu


2055 Junction Ave, San Jose, CA 95131, USA

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